Environmentalists conducted air sampling based on complaints from residents of the village of Urussu

29 September 2022, Thursday

The Priiksky territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan received a collective complaint from residents of the village of Urussu of the Yutazinsky district. Residents complained of a chemical smell on the streets of F. Karimova, Lugovaya and Khimikov.  Specialists of the environmental supervision department of Priiksky TA left together with a mobile environmental laboratory for sampling. At three points at night from 23:50 to 01:30, environmentalists took samples of atmospheric air in automatic mode using special equipment installed on the PEL. The samples were analyzed according to 8 indicators: phenol, formaldehyde, nitrogen oxide and dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide. According to the results of the analysis of samples, no exceedances of the maximum permissible concentration of pollutants were detected.

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