Pupils of the Mendeleev kindergarten "Childhood Planet" joined the ranks of young ecologists

16 September 2022, Friday

The solemn dedication of the children from kindergarten No. 11 "Childhood Planet" to the pre-school young ecologists was conducted by specialists of the Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan. Joining the ranks of young ecologists – young conservationists, preschoolers uttered the words of an oath and made a promise to protect the environment. As part of the event, kindergarten students prepared a thematic scene for the guests, told poems and sang songs about nature, and games and tasks became a fun addition to the holiday.  The leading specialist of the Prikamsky TA Ministry Viktor Khamitov addressed the kids and urged them to treat the nature of their native land carefully and conscientiously. All the children were presented with special ecological coloring books.

It is worth noting that a lot of work is being done in the kindergarten on environmental education of preschoolers. All groups have literature, manuals, diagrams and games on ecology. Eco-classes are held regularly, where children gain knowledge about the value of water in nature, about the interaction of living organisms, about animals and plants.

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