A huge landfill with an area of 2800 sq.m. was liquidated on the warning of environmentalists

13 September 2022, Tuesday

Inspectors of the Zavolzhsky territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan found a large landfill on the border of the Molkeevsky rural settlement. The violation was revealed during the monitoring of the Kaibitsky district. The area of illegal waste storage was 2800 sq.m., volume was 270 cubic meters.

A warning about the elimination of the violation was sent to the executive committee of the Molkeevsky rural settlement. Currently, the landfill has been liquidated; the territory has been brought into proper sanitary and ecological condition.

Let us recall that all violations of environmental legislation can be reported through the following communication channels:

- by phone (843)267-68-67;

- by email eco.signal@tatar.ru;

- in the internet reception http://eco.tatarstan.ru/rus/priem.htm;

- via additional communication channels WhatsApp and Telegram to the number +79872169779;

- in the "People's Control" system, "Ecology" category;

- by "School eco-patrol" mobile application.

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