Inspectors of the Central TA confirmed the fact of illegal storage of construction waste on the Lokomotiv beach

25 May 2022, Wednesday

The residents of Kazan reported about the environmental violation in Kazan on social networks. Specialists of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan carried out a trip to the shore of the Lokomotiv beach. The fact of unauthorized storage of waste of side stones, paving stones and cobblestones was confirmed. The landfill area was 898 sq.m., the volume was 1285 cubic meters.m. Now environmentalists have sent a request to the Department of the Federal Register of the Republic of Tatarstan to determine the owner of the land plot. After that, the owner will be warned about the inadmissibility of violations and the need to take measures to eliminate the landfill.

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