Environmentalists held a career guidance meeting with students of KNRTU

5 March 2022, Saturday

How to properly build a job for a novice environmental specialist? This was told by inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan to students of 1-4 courses of the Kazan National Research Technological University. The organizer of the meeting is the head of the Department of "Engineering Ecology" of KNRTU Ildar Shaikhiev. Students were told about the activities, functions and tasks of management. Emphasis was put on modern methods and technical means used by environmentalists to identify violators of environmental legislation. Also, future specialists were told about supervision in the field of subsoil use, in the field of waste management, protection of water bodies and atmospheric air. Students were informed about the specifics and conditions of employment, as well as about the work of public inspectors. At the end of the meeting, the environmentalists answered questions and invited the students to practice at the Central Technical School.

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