Ecology is in fashion! Kazan kindergartens now know about this

21 February 2022, Monday

The fashion show in unusual costumes was prepared by the kids of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 115". Small models presented outfits made of discarded materials: plastic bags, paper, colorful garbage bags, old disks and boxes. The children turned into robots, cowboys, superheroes and princesses and took to the makeshift podium to demonstrate the exclusive outfits they had made together with their parents. Experts of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan also acted as the jury. "The kids turned out to have very diverse, unusual and interesting outfits. Such events contribute to the education of the foundations of ecological culture, respect for nature in the process of cognitive and artistic and creative activity," ecologists of the Central TA note.


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