Alexander Shadrikov: "The available resources are enough to implement the most ambitious projects!"

18 January 2022, Tuesday

"Today there are 315 licenses for the extraction of CUM on the territory of the republic. The increase in proven reserves for the year amounted to more than 300 million m3. There is no shortage. The available resources are enough to implement the most ambitious projects! Revenues from the use of subsoil plots of local significance in the past year were significant and amounted to more than 137 million rubles," Ecology Minister Alexander Shadrikov said at the final board. It is important in this work to take into account the movement of extracted common minerals in the USAIS "Mineral resources" system. It is aimed at ensuring the rational use of minerals, as well as the operation of the state licensing system for the use of mineral resources.

"The issue of violation of license conditions by subsoil users remains acute: 138 such facts were revealed in the past year. I will highlight the problem of transferring land plots from the category of agricultural to the category of industrial. An option to simplify this procedure may be the inclusion of regional subsurface use facilities in the STP of the republic," the minister stressed. There are also those who violate the law "On Mineral resources". In 2021, law enforcement agencies revealed the facts of the use of CUM for commercial purposes. Alexander Shadrikov noted that the disturbed lands should be brought into proper condition - reclaimed.

"Providing the population with high-quality drinking water is another important task that we face. In this regard, all existing water intakes of centralized water supply of the population must be licensed," the head of the department emphasized. Licensing of water use by horticultural associations has been conducted since 2019. As of today, 1,664 licenses for groundwater have been issued. It is worth noting that most of the districts that have applied for prospecting and evaluation work do not take further measures to develop deposits. "This year, as part of the program for the revision assessment of the state of water intakes, we plan to carry out work in 12 districts of Tatarstan. 40 million rubles have been allocated for events until 2024. We are grateful to the President of the Republic for this support," the head of the environmental protection agency summed up.

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