A resident of the Aznakaevsky district will pay more than 185 thousand rubles for the damage caused to nature

10 January 2022, Monday

300 sq.m. of sand was illegally mined on the territory of a wild quarry near the village of Sukhoyashevo, Aznakaevsky district. The fact of theft was recorded by inspectors of the Priiksky territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan in April 2020. According to environmentalists, the violator acted without an appropriate license for subsurface use, and this became the basis for bringing an individual to administrative responsibility under Part 1 of art.7.3 of Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, the damage caused to the environment as a result of sand mining was calculated and presented in the amount of more than 185 thousand rubles.

In connection with the violator's refusal of voluntary compensation for harm, Priiksky TA appealed to the Aznakaevsky Town Court of the Republic of Tatarstan. The ecologists' claims were satisfied by the judicial authority.           


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