All about the air. Kazan schoolchildren have replenished their knowledge

22 November 2021, Monday

Specialists of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan told about why life on Earth depends on air and how atmospheric pollution affects the environment and our well-being. In Kazan "Gymnasium No. 4 with the Tatar language of instruction" an environmental lesson was held on the topic "What do we breathe?". The main goal is the formation of a holistic perception of the surrounding world, as well as the development of interest in research and cognitive activity.

The children learned the composition of the air, tried to independently determine the sources of atmospheric pollution and answer the question of how to save the planet from harmful emissions. Environmentalists told about trees and the "green belt", which effectively cleanses the air from pollutants. How to consolidate the material passed – a thematic crossword puzzle, which was solved by first-graders.

"We hold such events in order to form the ecological culture of children. The game activity in the learning process helps us to fully reveal the topic, and the children to learn the educational material," the staff of the Central Technical School noted.

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