Eco-initiatives of the Bavli kindergarten "Ryabinka"

12 November 2021, Friday

In kindergarten No. 2 "Ryabinka" of the Bavli district, an eco-event "Walk to the Magic Forest" was held with the participation of specialists of the Priiksky territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan.  During the lesson, the children learned the rules of safe behavior in the forest in a playful way, told poems and sang songs about nature. In addition, the pupils took part in environmental actions, such as "Kind caps" and "Hand over batteries with Duracell", handing over 21 kg of used current sources. In addition, on the territory of the kindergarten, preschool children hung bird feeders that they made with their own hands.

"Today, the interaction of man and nature has become one of the urgent problems, so our task is to form the ecological thinking and consciousness of the younger generation. Such events help in the development of the eco-culture of children," said Aliya Yusupova, a specialist at the Priiksky TA.

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