Upper Uslon high school students have expanded their ecological horizons

9 November 2021, Tuesday

In the MBOU "Verkhneuslonskaya Gymnasium named after Hero of the Soviet Union Zinnurov Nabiulla Shafigovich" specialists of the Central TA Ministry held an environmental lesson called "Experts in nature". The purpose of the lesson is to form students' knowledge about the nature, flora and fauna of the Volga region. The fourth graders were told about the flora and fauna characteristic of the Verkhneuslonsky district. They also reminded the children about the rules of behavior in nature. Experts also shared useful environmental habits that will help save water resources, reduce the number of plastic bags in everyday life and properly sort waste. The lesson ended with an exciting quiz, where the guys, divided into 2 teams ("Greenpeace" and "Environmental Squad"), solved problems and solved puzzles. At the end of the lesson, thematic manuals were presented to the children for their active participation.

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