Divide correctly! Buinsk schoolchildren were introduced to separate waste collection

8 November 2021, Monday

In gymnasium No. 5 of Buinsk specialists of the Zavolzhsky TA of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan held an environmental lesson called "Divide with us". The main purpose of the event is to form the basics of caring for nature among schoolchildren and teach them how to handle waste competently. The children learned why, and most importantly how to properly sort garbage, how many years it decomposes and what is made from recycled raw materials.  The children were introduced to the basics of separating waste into fractions, solved puzzles and problems together, and later the high school students offered ideas for environmental conservation and told what environmental actions they had already taken part in. The inspectors also told about the mobile application "School Eco-patrol", where children will be able to report an environmental violation.

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