What are the rich forests of Tatarstan told the pre-school children of the Bavli district

1 November 2021, Monday

Ecologists of the Priiksky territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology together with employees of the Bavli forestry organized an excursion to the forest for pupils of the kindergarten "Altyncshecsh". The main purpose of such an extracurricular event with the symbolic name "The Forest is our wealth" is to form children's ideas about forest inhabitants, plants and how to behave properly in nature. During such a walk, the children learned exactly what types of plants are characteristic of our area and what animals are found in the forests of Tatarstan. At the end of the lesson, the preschool children told what role the environment plays in their lives and gave examples of the connections between living and inanimate nature. Environmentalists once again reminded about the rules of behavior in the forest and what measures are being taken to preserve and restore the environment.

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