Environmentalists have recorded the fact of wastewater discharge

28 October 2021, Thursday

The address of the Zavolzhsky territorial administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan received an appeal from residents of the village Apastovo, that at one of the car washes dirty water is not discharged into the sewage system, but directly into the territory. Inspectors went to the address and recorded the fact of wastewater discharge. Specialists took soil samples.  The results of the analyses showed that the maximum permissible concentrations for a number of pollutants were exceeded: nitrogen, chloride, sulfate and petroleum products.  The area of contamination was 7.2 sq.m.

A protocol has been drawn up against the guilty person under part 2 of art.8.6 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation "Destruction of the fertile soil layer, as well as damage to land as a result of violation of the rules for handling pesticides and agrochemicals or other substances dangerous to human health and the environment and waste of production and consumption". An order was issued to eliminate the causes and conditions that contributed to the commission of the offense.

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