We invite you to take part in the All-Russian Conference

13 October 2021, Wednesday

From November 2 to 3, 2021, the IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Continuous Environmental Education: problems, experience, prospects" will be held in Tomsk in an online format. The conference is held within the framework of the implementation of the national projects "Ecology", "Education" and "Culture". 

The following are invited to participate:

- representatives of executive and legislative authorities interested in the development of a system of continuous environmental education and enlightenment;

- specialists of the municipal and regional education authorities in charge of environmental education and enlightenment;

- management and teaching staff of educational organizations of the system of general and vocational education;

- heads of methodological associations;

- employees of cultural institutions;

- representatives of public organizations;

- employees of environmental education departments of specially protected natural territories;

- representatives of the mass media;

- specialists of enterprises responsible for environmental protection.

The opening, the plenary session and the session of the sections are scheduled for November 2, 2021, on November 3, a round table "Interdepartmental interaction in the implementation of environmental measures" and summing up will be held.  

To participate, you must complete electronic registration by October 15, 2021 at the link: https://green.tsu.ru/neo2021 /. According to the results of the work at the Conference, participants receive a certificate for participation in the work of sections and the plenary session, for making a report – a certificate for presenting experience.

Contacts of the Organizing Committee: Natalia G. Lisina, Head of the Natural Science Department of OGBOUDO "Regional Center for Additional Education", tel. 8-3822-56-35-19, 90-86-21, e-mail: ecoocdodn@mail.ru.

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