Environmentalists joined the All-Russian campaign "Save the forest"

9 October 2021, Saturday

Today, the All-Russian campaign "Save the forest" took place throughout the republic. More than 20 thousand volunteers planted 1.2 million seedlings on an area of over 300 hectares. President Rustam Minnikhanov took part in the planting of seedlings on the territory of the Children's Republican Clinical Hospital in Kazan, a total of 300 firs and pines were planted on this site. "The republic pays the most serious attention to the development of forestry. The relevant ministry is working daily to increase the forest fund, and such actions allow participants to instill a culture of caring for the forest," the President of the Republic of Tatarstan commented.

Mass planting of trees took place in the village of Staroe Shigaleevo of the Pestrechinsky district. It was attended by the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Alexander Shadrikov, volunteers of the National Council for Corporate Volunteering (NCCV), Youth ONF and employees of organizations and departments. Addressing the activists, the head of the environmental protection department noted that the Republic of Tatarstan is rightfully the flagship region on the environmental agenda, occupies leading positions not only in technology, industry, economy, infrastructure development, but also in ecology. "Our republic is trusted with many pilot projects, including within the framework of the national project "Ecology". Thanks to the unity of the people and the support of our citizens, the result is always excellent. Of course, the driver of environmental initiatives is a strong volunteer corps," the Minister of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan thanked the participants of the action.  

Let us recall that for 10 years of the tree planting campaign in Tatarstan, forest plantations were planted on an area of more than 6.8 thousand hectares, planting material in the amount of 26.2 million pieces was used, and the total number of participants exceeded 455 thousand people.

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