An eco-lesson about autumn phenomena in nature was held for schoolchildren of the city of Arsk

5 October 2021, Tuesday

Specialists of the Northern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan, together with employees of the State Enterprise "Ashit", conducted an environmental lesson for students of school No. 6 of the Arsky district. As part of the lesson, students analyzed the autumn changes in living and inanimate nature, built a logical chain of reasoning and found answers to questions using the knowledge acquired in the lesson.

In the school library, children have prepared an exhibition of books for extracurricular reading with creativity about autumn. The inspectors, in turn, presented the children with thematic notebooks and an interactive element "Secrets of animals and plants" with a lesson schedule.

"Such events are important for the ecological education of children and the development of ecological consciousness of the population. At school, teachers skillfully use their skills to attract students' attention to the ecology and the state of nature of their Native land, thereby increasing the ecological responsibility of schoolchildren," the specialists of the Northern TA noted.

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