Camp "Baitik" summed up the results of eco-meetings

1 October 2021, Friday

From September 28 to September 30, the Republican rally of the youth environmental movement "It will be clean" and the gathering of young naturalists of the Republic of Tatarstan took place in the educational and recreational complex "Baitik". The organizers are the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, the RGS in the Republic of Tatarstan, the youth public organization "It will be clean" of the Republic of Tatarstan.

350 children gathered together to present their initiatives and projects in the field of ecology. The participants were waiting for a three-day educational and entertainment program, within which the activists were able not only to relax, but also to make new acquaintances. An excursion program and a block of educational workshops, quests and games were also organized for children. The young researchers visited the zoological and ethnographic museum of Kazan Federal University and the Blue Lakes, and the school of activists participated in the role-playing game "#Greenteambeclean", where it defended its projects before the expert commission of the Republican event.

Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Egor Tarnavsky came to congratulate and reward the eco-activists. "It is gratifying to see you here, those who show a keen interest in environmental activities and actively participate in such competitions. With your good deeds, you make an invaluable contribution to the preservation of our environment!", - said the Deputy Minister of the Environmental Protection Agency.

The Republican Rally is an annual event aimed at creating conditions for the involvement of young people in the implementation of environmental projects.

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