327 bags of garbage were collected on the territory of Lake Izumrunoe in Yudino village. The Central Voluntary clean-up was held in Kazan

13 September 2021, Monday

Last weekend, the central voluntary clean-up on Lake Izumrudnoye in the village of Yudino in Kazan was held joyfully and successfully, with a concert program and a field kitchen. With bags and gloves, caring citizens, employees of ministries and departments, students, volunteers and business representatives brought cleanliness on land. The bottom of the reservoir was cleaned by divers of the RGS branch in Tatarstan, who together with employees of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan and the youth movement "It will be Clean" organized this event.

The central voluntary clean-up in Kazan gathered half a thousand citizens, the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexander Shadrikov, the prosecutor of the Kazan Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's Office Denis Alexandrov, the Chairman of the RGS in the Republic of Tatarstan Dmitry Shiller and the Deputy General Director of the Fund for Investment Development of Territories Ruslan Gadzhiev also took part in it.

"We are working together for the benefit of a common cause. I thank everyone who, despite their day off, joined the All-Russian campaign. I wish each of us not to lose the set rhythm and also take an active part in our subsequent actions," the head of the environmental protection department of the republic addressed the participants in his welcoming speech.

The collective cleaning took place in the format of a quest game called "The further into the forest...". Participants collected garbage at speed, divided it into fractions. For each bag collected, the activists were awarded points, which were later exchanged for prizes. In total, 327 bags of garbage were collected during the cleaning.

The collected waste was taken out by the regional operator "MC "PZhKH" and sent for processing.  

It should be recalled that this year the cleaning of coastal territories is taking place within the framework of the All-Russian campaign "Water of Russia" of the federal project "Preservation of unique water bodies" of the national project "Ecology". Since the beginning of the year, more than 219 thousand activists have cleared about 6 thousand km of coastal zones, in total about 30 thousand cubic meters of garbage have been collected.

Similar actions were held last weekend in all municipal districts of Tatarstan.

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