Violated the license terms. The organization will pay a fine of 300 thousand rubles

6 September 2021, Monday

The Zakamsky territorial administration received an appeal from citizens that the coast is being destroyed near the village of Berezovaya Griva in the Nizhnekamsk district, in connection with the work of a dredger. Having left for the place, the employees of the department conducted a survey of the territory and examined the documents of the organization engaged in sand mining. According to the results of the inspection, violations of the terms of the license for the right to extract minerals were revealed, in addition, the subsurface user did not connect the vessel to the Unified State Register of the Republic of Tatarstan "Glonass" system. An administrative protocol has been drawn up in respect of a legal entity under Part 2 of Article7.3 of The Administrative Code of the Russian Federation "Use of mineral resources in violation of the conditions provided for by the license for the use of mineral resources". 

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