The next stage of the "Hand over batteries with Duracell" campaign has started in the republic

2 September 2021, Thursday

A start has been given to collect spent current sources in general education organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan. It should be noted that 73 tons of used batteries were collected by students in the period from 2019 to 2021.

In each municipal district, there is a school where the participants of the campaign can hand over the collected batteries. To calculate the collected number of spent current sources, those responsible in general education institutions must fill out the appropriate tables and provide them to specialists in the territorial department of the Ministry.  The competition will last until the end of November this year. The export of the collected batteries from educational institutions will be organized by regional operators together with the Ministry in December 2021. The winners will be awarded in June 2022 as part of the summing up of the "Ecovesna 2022" campaign.  

Let us remind that the company OOO "Duracell Russia" has been implementing a pilot project in Tatarstan since 2018 to create a comprehensive infrastructure for collecting batteries. The purpose of the campaign is to involve students of general education organizations of the republic to participate in the process of separate collection of SMW, in environmental actions, to encourage educational organizations of the republic for environmental and educational work, to increase environmental literacy of the population, to popularize the ecological lifestyle of the population of the republic.

More detailed information about the conditions of the competition can be found on the Ministry's website in the section "Conferences, contests, support for SONKO"

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