Water is the basis of human life. Under this name, an environmental lesson was held in the Kazan camp

13 August 2021, Friday

Inspectors of the Central Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan held an environmental lesson for the students of the camp "Science and ecology" on the territory of the child center "Sabyylar". The purpose of the event is to expand students' understanding of the role of water in human life, to foster a caring attitude to water resources.

During the lesson, a vital resource was talked about: children learned about the water cycle in nature, about its properties, analyzed the role of water in human life and discussed the problems of water pollution. At the end, a quiz was held to consolidate the passed topic. Also, students were given coloring books and notebooks, and the child center was presented with a book "Green Path".

Тэги: eco-education CTA
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