140 kg of garbage was collected by eco-activists on the territory of the Lokomotiv beach in Kazan

16 July 2021, Friday

Today, an environmental campaign for garbage collection was held on the bank of the Volga River as part of the implementation of the Clean Volga project. The event was organized by the foundation "Without rivers as without hands". The participants were employees of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan, business structures and activists of non-profit organizations. In 1 hour, the volunteers collected 140 kg of garbage, which was divided into fractions. In total, more than 2 km of the coastal territory was covered. Waste from the coastal zone was removed by the group of the company "Ecology of the Volga region".  

"Voluntary clean-ups are held regularly in Tatarstan, which indicates the responsible attitude of our residents to the preservation of the environment. The cleanliness and improvement of our city, our republic depends on each of us," said Olga Artemyeva, head of the Department of Environmental education and interaction with public organizations of the MENR of the Republic of Tatarstan.  

The Clean Volga environmental project is being implemented in six major Russian cities-Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Cheboksary, Samara, Volgograd and Astrakhan. 

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