"Hitchhiking" ecological operation was held in the Aznakaevsky district

23 June 2021, Wednesday

During the raid on the water protection zone near the pond in the locality of Agerze, as well as near the Ik river in the locality of Tumutuk of the Aznakaevsky district, inspectors of the Priiksky TA of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan recorded more than 15 violators of environmental legislation.

Let us recall that the “Hitchhiking " operation is carried out to identify drivers' parking cars on the banks of water bodies in order to prevent pollution of water bodies.

As a result of the raid, administrative protocols against the perpetrators were drawn up and penalties were imposed under Part 1 of Article 8.42 of the Administrative CodeThe AP of the Russian Federation "The use of the coastal protective strip of a water object, the water protection zone of a water object in violation of the restrictions of economic and other activities".

Parking of vehicles, waste water discharge, waste disposal, etc. is prohibited within the boundaries of water protection zones.

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