Submit an application for participation in the "Eco World" Award contest 2021

15 June 2021, Tuesday

The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences holds an annual competition for the title of laureate of the International Environmental Award "Eco World" for outstanding achievements in environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety, as well as in other environmental activities aimed at sustainable development in the XXI century.

Russian and foreign enterprises and organizations, authors' collectives, representatives of government bodies, public figures and persons who have directly initiated and implemented projects, programs and actions aimed at preserving the environment and ensuring environmental safety can act as applicants for the Award.

The selection of participants is based on the submitted applications and documents confirming the implementation of the submitted projects, programs, and promotions. The conditions and requirements for submitting applications are contained in the Regulations on the International Environmental Award "EcoWorld", which is posted on the website

The deadline for submitting applications for the competition is October 31, 2021.

Тэги: competition
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