April 2021

From sawdust, nylon stocking and grass seeds, an ecological toy "Travyanchik" was created. In such a creative manner an environmental lesson in the framework of "Ecovesna-2021" campaign was conducted in "Nest" kindergarten No.8.  The event was attended by employees of the Priiksky Territorial Administration of the Ministry.  

April 2021

What you need to do today to save a vital resource. Specialists of the Prikamsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan told students of school No.1 in Naberezhnye Chelny about the role of water in human life.   As part of the "Ecovesna2021" campaign, an environmental lesson on "Clean water" topic was held here. The goal is to form an understanding of the careful attitude to water resources as a source of life.

April 2021

Head of the Department of the State Inspection of Environmental Supervision of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, Alexey Polyushkov, met with students of the 4th year full-time department in "Land Law" discipline at Kazan Federal University. During the lecture, he spoke about environmental supervision in the field of subsurface use, in the field of waste management, protection of atmospheric air and water bodies.

April 2021

What is ecological balance and what does it depend on? Guliya Sadretdinova, a specialist of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, spoke about the balance of stability of living organisms to students of the gymnasium named after M. M. Vakhitov, Buinsk.

April 2021

In the year of native languages and national unity, the Tatar folk rite "Karga botkasy" ("Rook porridge") was held in kindergarten No. 5 in Aznakaevo. At the event, the children organized competitions, showed their skills and talents: told poems about birds, performed national songs and dances, and also led a round dance.

April 2021

On the day of the start of the republican campaign "Ekovesna2021", the first-graders of Kazan gymnasium No. 4  were visited today by employees of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan together with specialists of the creative association "Tatarmultfilm" and representatives of Branches of the Russian Geographical Society in Tatarstan.


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