June 2021

Specialists of the territorial departments of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, together with representatives of municipalities, awarded the winners of the district stage of the republican contest "Ecovesna 2021". 

Тэги: Ecovesna-2021

June 2021

The sanitary and ecological two-month period has been completed. For two months, municipalities, environmental protection services, relevant ministries and departments, enterprises and organizations, and concerned residents carried out work to restore sanitary and environmental order. In total, more than 780 thousand people took part in the events. More than 21 thousand units of equipment were involved in the cleaning of the territories. More than 400 thousand cubic meters of waste were removed to the landfills, more than 700 thousand trees and shrubs were planted.

May 2021

The event was attended by employees of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan. In the first part of the lesson, the children of the younger group prepared a production called "Brook", which told about the cycle of water in nature. The second part of the eco-lesson was devoted to the topic of separate garbage collection. Ecologists told the children about the importance of dual sorting for the preservation of the environment.

May 2021

"Ut belan shayarma!" – "Don't play with fire!" – under this name, a theatrical performance in the Tatar language was held in kindergarten No. 5 "Sun". The event was attended by specialists of the Priiksky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan.

April 2021

The solemn dedication of the pupils of the senior group was held for the children of the kindergarten "Teremok" in Buinsk. The event was attended by specialists of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. 

April 2021

Much attention is now paid to the education of the ecological culture of the younger generation. To make this process exciting, entertaining and informative, teachers use various forms of work. So, the staff of the kindergarten "Goldfish" and "Sun" together with the "Gymnasium of Aznakaevo" held a presentation "Spring Eco-fashion 2021!" The event was organized on the site of the kindergarten of MBDOU No. 15. in Aznakaevo.  The children presented colorful costumes made of paper, cardboard, garbage and plastic bags, disposable dishes, newspapers and napkins.

April 2021

Kids played educational games, figured out riddles, recited poems and sang songs. Eco-classes were held in pre-school educational institutions "Svetoforik" and "Skazka" in Buinsk. The event was attended by employees of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. During the lesson, the children were also shown a thematic presentation "The Earth is our common home".

April 2021

The Republican central subbotnik in the Noksinsky Forest was fruitful and fun today. More than 1 thousand people – employees of departments, representatives of public organizations, students and concerned citizens cleaned and shared positive emotions. President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov attended the environmental event.

April 2021

On April 24, a republican subbotnik will be held in the municipal districts and cities of the republic. Traditional measures to clean up the territories will be held within the framework of the sanitary and environmental bi-month and the republican campaign "Ecovesna 2021".

As part of the subbotnik, the first game of the season will also be held in the format of "Clean Games" quest. To participate, you need to join a team of 3-4 people and pre-register till April 22, 18:00 at the link: .

April 2021

On April 24, a republican subbotnik will be held in the municipal districts and cities of the republic. Traditional measures to clean up the territories will be held within the framework of the sanitary and environmental bi-month and the "Ecovesna 2021" republican campaign.

Inventory for participation in the promotion will be given at the site. The gathering and registration of participants will take place on April 24, 2021 from 09:00 to 10:00 in the parking lot near "Frant" shopping center.


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