February 2024

Ilnur Gubaidullin, First Deputy Minister of Ecology and Chief State Inspector of the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of environmental protection, spoke about the results of last year in the field of supervisory activities.

April 2021

Unauthorized placement of wood waste, as well as from the demolition and dismantling of buildings, was revealed by inspectors of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan in the urban-type settlement of Apastovo. The area of the cluttered territory is 147 sq. m., the volume is 85 cubic meters.

April 2021

Within the framework of the sanitary and ecological two - month period, inspectors of the Prikamsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan examined the territory of the Yelabuga district. During the raid on Chapaev Street, environmentalists found unsorted waste from the demolition and dismantling of buildings. The area of the cluttered plot was 583 sq. m., volume – 180 cubic meters.

April 2021

When examining the site together with representatives of the Chistopol forestry, the fact of environmental violations under Articles 8.2 and 8.6 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation was established. The total area of pollution was 550 sq. m. SIAC specialists took samples of waste liquid from a depression in the terrain adjacent to the sewer well.

April 2021

Oil film was formed on a water object in "Cascade of Ponds" park. This fact was discovered by specialists of the specialized inspection of analytical control of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration of the Ministry during the planned sampling. "The drains have characteristic signs of the presence of petroleum products in them," the inspectors of the South-Eastern TU said.

Within the framework of the sanitary and ecological two-month period, inspectors of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan conducted a raid, during which  the fact of dumping construction and wood waste was discovered on the territory of the village of Bolshye Kaibitsy, . The total area of the cluttered plot was 140 sq. m., the volume – 55 cubic meters.

March 2021

We recall that in the spring of last year, as a result of a traffic accident on Muslyumovo-Aktanysh highway, tanker carrying oil overturned. The water spilled over the roadside and along the storm drain into the Bikmes creek (the right tributary of the Kazanchinka River). The specialists of the SIAC Priiksky Territorial Administration of the Ministry took samples of polluted water and soil.

March 2021

Illegal excavations were revealed by employees of the Zakamsky territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan during a raid near the settlement of Svetloye Ozero in the Zainsky district. As the inspectors established, individuals organized the excavation of the land for the extraction of ferrous metal scrap. In relation to the guilty person, an administrative protocol under Part 1 of Article.8.6 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation "Unauthorized removal or movement of a fertile layer of soil" was drawn up.


March 2021

The Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry received an appeal from citizens about the discharge of liquid on the Kazanka River. CTA Inspectors together with the staff of the Central specialized inspection of analytical control under the Ministry of ecology and natural resources Republic of Tatarstan and specialists of EMERCOM of RT immediately set out to the water area of the river Volga in the area of the Marquis island of Kazan. Samples of natural water were collected at the suspected site of contamination. "The water had a smell, there were oil stains on the surface of the water after drilling," - said the specialists of the CSIAC of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan.

December 2020

The Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan received a telephone message from the Kazan inter-district environmental prosecutor's office that two barrel baths are located on the territory of the Izumrudnoye lake. The inspectors made a trip to the specified area, violation of environmental legislation, namely: the unauthorized occupation of the water body was confirmed. In relation to an individual, a protocol was drawn up under Art. 7.6 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

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