March 2021

An application company has been opened for participation in the Green Echpochmak environmental case championship. The event will be held on March 18, 2021 at the IT Park in Kazan. The organizer is the regional youth public organization "Will be Clean" of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as the volunteer corps and the Scientific and Technological Society of Students and postgraduates of the Kazan National Research Technological University.

To participate, you must fill out the Google form by clicking on the link by March 15 For more information, see the Regulations.

March 2021

The regional youth public organization "Will be Clean" of the Republic of Tatarstan, with the support of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, is implementing a socially significant project "PRoECo", the purpose of which is to popularize scientific activities in the field of ecology among school and student youth.

To participate until April 27, 2021, you must pass an individual registration –

More information about the event –

March 2021

The organizer of the socially significant project is the regional youth public organization of the Republic of Tatarstan "Will be Clean" with the support of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan.

To participate, you must complete individual registration before March 31, 2021 following the link  More information about the event –



The "Month of Environmental Knowledge" is an educational event in which interested citizens of Tatarstan hold environmental events from March 1 to March 31 together with "It will be Clean" youth environmental movement.

To participate, you must register at the link –  More information about the event –

March 2021

In the children's ecological and Biological center No. 4. of Naberezhnye Chelny the second stage of the "Ecological Wheel" game took place . The event was held with the support of the Prykamsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan.  

From March 11 to 13, "Ecological University" specialized session will be held in the health and educational complex "Baitik". This is a session for those who want to create or develop their own environmental team. The organizer is the regional "Will be Clean" youth public organization of the Republic of Tatarstan. 

More information about the event –

ANCO "Information and Resource Center "Our Heritage" and ANCO "Center for the Development of National Parks Wildcamp (Wild Camp)" announce the start of accepting applications for participation in the All-Russian competition "Planet-our heritage".

For more information, please visit:

March 2021

They were informed about the nuances of the separate collection, introduced to the rules of participation in the competition, and what awaits the winners. In Kazan State Energy University, within the framework of the competition for separate waste collection "Rules of division", specialists of the Ministry and activists of the movement "It will be Clean" held an ecological and educational event. 

March 2021

From February 10 to June 30, 2021, the All–Russian competition for the best stand (corner) "Ecolata – Pre-school children" in preschool educational organizations and "Ecolata – Young Defenders of Nature" in schools of the Russian Federation started. The event is organized by the Committee of the Federation Council for Science, Education and Culture.

For more information, see the Regulations at http://эколята.russian federation/god-ekologii/luchshiy-stend/konkurs-na-sozdanie-stendov/


March 2021

From March 1 to April 30, the republican contest of children's environmental drawings was launched. The event is dedicated to the Year of Native Languages and National Unity in the Republic of Tatarstan. For more information, see the Regulations.

The winners will be awarded diplomas and memorable prizes, and all participants will receive certificates. Good luck!


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