May 2023

250 Naberezhnye Chelny schoolchildren took part in the republican contest of eco-drawings "Ecology in traditions", which is held within the framework of "Eco-spring 2023". According to the results of the district stage, the commission selected about 100 drawings. All the works that passed the first stage were sent to Kazan to participate in the republican stage.


How recyclable materials are processed, how to sort garbage correctly and what actions and contests the Ministry of Ecology has - this and not only the employees of the Prikamsky TA of the Ministry of Ecology told the kids from the kindergarten "Naberezhnye Chelny Mosaic" in Naberezhnye Chelny.

May 2023

Inspectors of the Prikamsky TA share photos of blooming apple trees with us. This place is memorable both for inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology and for residents of Naberezhnye Chelny.

May 2023

Students of secondary school No. 2 of Menzelinsk started studying ecology according to the new manual "Green Tatarstan". Last week, inspectors of the Prikamsky TA handed over 52 textbooks to this eco-center. "Green Tatarstan" is a book where information about nature is presented in an accessible and simple way. There are eight lessons in each section of this tutorial. Comics, test simulators, theoretical information, interactive game, coloring books, fascinating tasks and materials for self-study can be found on the pages of this book.

May 2023

At school No. 22 of Naberezhnye Chelny the Republican scientific and practical conference of primary school students "Young environmentalist - 2023" was held Ecologists of the Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan were invited as members of the jury.

April 2023

The head of the Central Territorial Administration, Radik Nazmutdinov, took part in meetings with the heads of rural settlements and heads of enterprises of the Pestrechinsky and Vysokogorsky districts. During the meeting, issues of maintenance and operation of landfills of solid household and biological waste were discussed.

April 2023

On April 25, the All-Russian Day of Young environmentalists is celebrated in all regions of Russia. Young environmentalists are true friends and defenders of nature, children who love, cherish and protect the environment. Specifically for this day, ecologists of the territorial departments of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan have prepared thematic classes.

April 2023

The All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Lomonosov Readings" for students of grades 5-9 was held in the Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth No. 1 of Naberezhnye Chelny. Experts of the Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan were invited as members of the jury.

April 2023

Water is the basis of life of all living organisms and one of the main riches on Earth. The students of the school No. 1 of Naberezhnye Chelny were told about the careful attitude to water resources. Specialists of the Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan held an environmental lesson "Water is life". The children learned about the secrets of rational use of a vital resource and learned about ways to save water. Ecologists told what deltas and estuaries are and why they are formed. After the theory, the guys started the practical part of the lesson – they solved riddles, puzzles, crosswords.

April 2023

Inspectors of the Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan and educators of the Children's Ecological and Biological Center No. 4 conducted an environmental quiz for the second-graders of the school No. 2 in Naberezhnye Chelny.

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