July 2020

Bulk of garbage during the inspection of the territory in Naberezhnye Chelny was recorded by inspectors of the Prikamskiy Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. As it turned out, clutter at the store was recorded earlier. In relation to the violator, a protocol was drawn up according to part 1 of article 3.6 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Littering has now been eliminated.

June 2020

Prikamskiy Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan received an appeal from citizens about violation of environmental laws on the Proizvodstvennyi passage in Naberezhnye Chelny. Upon arrival at the place, the inspectors recorded the fact of unauthorized removal and movement of the fertile soil layer using an excavator on the area of ​​5 square meters. During the audit, it turned out that excavation is carried out without permits.

June 2020

Production and consumption wastes in the form of wood waste, rubber products, branches, slates were revealed by inspectors of the Prikamskiy Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan on the territory of the Krynda village in Agryzskiy district. The total area of ​​the contaminated site was 300 square meter, volume - 100 cubic meters.

June 2020

The seizure of the coastline was recorded by inspectors of the Prikamskiy Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Dusai-Kichu village of Menzelinskiy district. A citizen erected a fence in two meters from the Ik River, thereby creating an obstacle to free access to the water body. The length of the fence was about 50 meters, height - 1.5 m.

June 2020

Prikamskiy Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan received an appeal via a hotline from citizens about a landfill in the territory of the SNT “Industriya” of the Elabuzhskiy district. The fact of an unauthorized landfill of production and consumption waste to the soil was confirmed. The total area of ​​the cluttered territory was 167 square meters, with a volume of 52 cubic meters.

May 2020

A major wastewater spill recorded by environmentalists in the Tukayevskiy district a week earlier was eliminated. Let us recall the fact of pollution of 1.9 thousand square meters of the territories near the Malaya Shilna village became known thanks to the appeal of citizens. Pursuant to the instructions of the inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology, the violation was eliminated: sewage was drained from the terrain.

May 2020

They dump waste on the soil after sandblasting metals in the Promyshlennaya street, pay attention! Such a message was sent by citizens of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny to the Prikamskiy Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan. The area of ​​pollution was 116 sq.m. Including wastes from the demolition and dismantling of buildings on the area of ​​206 square meters, a volume of 62 cubic meters were revealed on the territory of the enterprise.

Based on the above facts, protocols on an administrative offense were drawn up, as well as a report on elimination of violations was issued.

May 2020

The Naberezhnye Chelny City Court ruled on the suit of the Prikamskiy Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. Environmentalists have applied for compensation for harm caused to the environment as a result of illegal dumping of waste from winter cleaning on the soil in January 2019. Snow samples taken in the Industrial and Communal Zone of Naberezhnye Chelny were assigned to hazard class 4 and were toxic. The damage was estimated at 7.4 million rubles.

May 2020

1.9 thousand square meters were polluted by sewage. Inspectors of the Prikamskiy Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan are conducting an administrative investigation of the violation identified in the Tukayevskiy district. The discharge of sewage near the Malaya Shilna village, near the forest, was recorded by residents. As environmentalists found out, the source of the discharge was one of the six sewer wells - due to overcrowding, waste from household and mixed sewers fell into the soil.

May 2020

Old tires, polyethylene films, plastic and packaging materials, wood waste, glass products and rubber hoses were identified by ecologists of the Prikamskiy Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources on the territory of the Komsomolsky rural settlement. The area of ​​cluttering amounted to more than 200 square meters, volume - 20 cubic meters.

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