At the International Conference "Study and conservation of the snow leopard in the world. Joining Forces" in Kazan on March 14, issues of interregional and international cooperation were discussed.
On March 14, at the International Conference "Study and conservation of the snow leopard in the world. Joining Forces" in Kazan, an agreement was signed on cooperation in the educational, scientific and technical fields in the field of studying, protecting and increasing the population of snow leopards for the possibility of implementing joint scientific programs based on the facilities of the Snow Leopard Research Center in the Altai Republic.
At the International Conference "Study and conservation of the snow leopard in the world. Joining Forces" Honorary Wildlife Ambassador of Pakistan, GSLEP Emissary Sardar Muhammad Jamal Khan Leghari spoke about poaching and hunting of these animals in the country. As an example, he cited the case last year when a snow leopard cub was discovered in the wild, whose mother died due to the activities of hunters and poachers.
The International Conference "Study and conservation of the snow Leopard in the world" is taking place in the capital of Tatarstan. Joining forces." This landmark event brought together representatives from all 12 countries of the snow leopard range to discuss joint measures to protect the rare predator.
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