On March 1, 2025, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 11/28/2025 No. 1644 comes into force, approving new Rules for Environmental Impact Assessment. The procedure for organizing and conducting public discussions on state environmental expertise facilities has also been changed.
During an on-site inspection, inspectors from the Priiksky department identified an unauthorized landfill on the territory of the urban-type settlement of Urussu in the Yutazinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.
The closing ceremony of the regional stage of the Professional Skills Championship "Professionals" of the Republic of Tatarstan took place at the Kazan Petrochemical College named after V. P. Lushnikov. College students competed for three days in the competence "Organization and management of EOG projects (ESG projects)".
The Ecology Olympiad "Experts of the native land" was held in kindergarten No. 15 in Aznakaevo. The Olympiad is dedicated to the topic of ecology and environmental conservation, as well as patriotic education.
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