233 applications have been received by the Ministry's environmental reception center since the beginning of the year

3 February 2025, Monday

Since the beginning of the year, the Republican Public Environmental Reception has received 233 appeals, 105 of them have been resolved.

136 notifications were received through the Ministry's Internet reception. 67 questions are registered in the "People's Control" system. In the mobile application "School Eco-patrol" 24 applications were accepted and 6 questions were received on the feedback platform "POS".

Most of the appeals are received on the topic of unauthorized landfills - 107 appeals. There were also 45 reports on water, 24 on air quality, and 57 reports on other issues.

We remind you that links to download the Gosuslugi application are available in the VKontakte community of the Ministry of Ecology. We decide together." With its help, anyone can ask their own question.

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