We continue to talk about our wonderful employees in the section "Ecology in persons". Samat Takhirovich Vakhitov celebrates his birthday today

30 September 2024, Monday

Samat Vakhitov, Head of the Department of Regulation of Subsoil Use Relations of the Ministry of Ecology, celebrates his birthday today.

In 2009, Samat Takhirovich graduated from the Geological Faculty of Kazan State University with a degree in Geology. He remembers how, during his production practice in Yamal, he saw the northern lights for the first time and fell in love with this beauty forever. He made the choice of his future profession consciously, because geology, as the birthday boy says, is for those who prefer adventurism and romance and do not like to sit still. People of this profession go to the most inaccessible places on Earth and on trips and expeditions they can see the real treasures of our planet.

A geologist by vocation and by the call of his soul, in his free time he prefers to spend in nature with his family, enjoys skiing and hunting. And Samat Vakhitov considers his beloved and loving wife and two sons to be his main treasure in this life. 

The staff of the Ministry of Ecology joins all congratulations and wishes Samat Tahirovich the strongest health, peace, kindness and great human happiness!

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