How snow leopards really live – we learn from the first international film project

3 September 2024, Tuesday

The Center for the Study and Conservation of the snow leopard "Irbis" has started filming an international film. Video filming has already taken place in Mongolia and India.

Daria Petrova, director of the interregional association, said that the new film will be a continuation of the first documentary research film "The Master of the Altai Mountains". If the first film was shot on the territory of the Sailugemsky National Park, then the second one will include all the protected areas where the wild cat lives.

The premiere of "The Master of the Altai Mountains" took place in October last year. It took the creators three years to shoot it. The video project was the first where the life of a snow leopard in the wild of Russia is captured in such detail. The film was also shown in Kazan. In addition, an interactive exhibition dedicated to the snow leopard with the symbolic name "Irbis" was presented in the Kazan Kremlin.The invisible cat."

The new film will be a continuation of the first film, which told about a young leopard Tural (translated as "immortal). This is how he was named by the staff of the Sailugem National Park after he was the only one of all the cubs to survive during the winter feeding shortage.

We will find out the fate of the beloved main character very soon in a new film story.

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