Field ecology. 4 bags of garbage were collected by Buinsk pre-school children as part of an eco-activity in nature

27 August 2024, Tuesday

An environmental lesson in the fresh air was conducted by specialists of the Zavolzhsky territorial administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan for pupils of the kindergarten "Svetoforik" in Buinsk. They consolidated the rules of behavior in nature, and also became full-fledged participants in the All-Russian campaign "Water of Russia".

The coastal strip of the dam in the village of Bolshoe Frolovo became a gathering place for preschool children and their parents, teachers and environmentalists. They shared simple tips with the guys on how to prevent the formation of landfills in recreation areas.

"Practical classes help children gain additional knowledge about the environment. Today, they have learned not only to find ways to help wildlife, but also to put them into practice," environmental experts say.

The guys have traveled a long ecological path – they covered a distance of about 2 km and collected 4 bags of garbage.

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