63% of citizens' appeals are about landfills

26 August 2024, Monday

6,297 applications have been received by the Republican Public Environmental Reception since the beginning of the year.

As before, the most urgent problem that Tatarstan residents complain about remains the problems of landfills and untimely garbage collection. There are 3,975 reports on this issue. Also, the Ministry of Ecology received 864 appeals on atmospheric air quality and 745 on water quality.

The statistics of requests in the context of available communication channels are as follows:

     - mobile application "School ecopatrol" - 2727,

     - Internet reception of the Ministry - 2403,

     - the "People's Control" system - 1012,

     - feedback platform "POS" - 155.

We remind you that in the community of the Ministry of Ecology on VKontakte there are links to download the application "Public Services. We decide together." With its help, anyone can ask a question and take part in improving the quality of life.

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