Environmentalists, together with the Prosecutor's Office of the Pestrechinsky district, check the subsoil user for the "purity" of production

26 July 2024, Friday

The possible illegal extraction of limestone near the village of Nadezhdino in the Pestrechinsky district was reported to the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology. During the inspection, the inspectors found that the development of a widespread mineral is carried out at the license area, but only in violation of the conditions.

The territory where the extraction of CUM was carried out belongs to agricultural lands. According to Article 7 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, in order to extract minerals, it is necessary to change the category of such a land plot to "industrial lands". Land transfer is allowed only if there is an approved land reclamation project.

As reported in the Central Technical Department of the Ministry of Ecology, administrative measures have already been taken against the subsoil user for violation of license conditions.

At the request of the Prosecutor's Office of the Pestrechinsky district, a visit was conducted jointly with the surveyor of the GBU "NPO Geocenter RT" to calculate the area and volume of mined CUM. The results of the verification will be announced later.

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