Today in the section "Eco-nevidal" we will tell you about the Holy Spring of the Arsky district

18 July 2024, Thursday

Izge chishma, which means "Holy Spring" in Tatar, is a natural spring with unusually clear water located in the village of Khotnya.  

The locals consider the spring to be sacred, and its water to be healing. There is a legend that once a girl in love lost her lover and was left alone with a little daughter, her family turned away from her.  The beautiful girl went into the forest in deep sadness and cried so bitterly for a long time that her daughter turned into a tree, and a miraculous spring appeared under it. According to another legend, this spring has always been revered, because many Muslims believed that a great saint was buried here, from whose grave the stream flows. 

Which of the legends is true and whether it is true at all, we can only guess. But even now the Holy Spring is very popular among residents of Tatarstan and neighboring regions. Thousands of tourists visit it every year to get water, take a bath or relax in a picturesque place. By the way, Khotninskaya water is bottled directly in the village of Khotnya.

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