The Ministry hosted the first meeting of the working group on climate policy and decarbonization plans of Tatarstan this year

5 April 2024, Friday

A meeting of the working group on climate policy and decarbonization plans of the Republic was held at the Ministry of Ecology.

The topic of the first meeting in 2024 was the draft Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy for Socio-economic Development with low greenhouse gas Emissions until 2050 of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The members of the working group were presented with the results of the digitization of orthophotoplanes of the region in order to establish the necessary boundaries of protective plantations that are not included in the forest fund. The activities of the KGEU in the field of calculating the carbon footprint at construction enterprises and the use of energy-saving technologies for the disposal of multi-tonnage energy waste were also considered.

Following the discussion, the participants made suggestions for further implementation of projects and prospects for their use. "The ongoing work on digitizing orthophotoplanes of the region will be taken into account in the inventory of greenhouse gases of our republic," said Deputy Minister of Ecology Olga Manidicheva.

For reference: The Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy of socio-economic development with low greenhouse gas emissions until 2050 of the Republic of Tatarstan has been adopted and is being implemented to achieve carbon neutrality of the economy of Tatarstan.

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