Tatarstan entered the top 5 leading regions according to the results of the "BoomBattle"

17 November 2023, Friday

The Republic of Tatarstan has entered the top five regions-leaders of the All-Russian campaign "BoomBattle". During the month, Tatarstan participants of the campaign collected and handed over 185 tons of waste paper for recycling.

In total, according to the results of the fourth season of the largest waste paper collection campaign in Russia, 2.5 million participants from 89 regions of the country collected about 100 thousand tons of paper waste.

A large-scale initiative to collect waste paper started on October 10 and was held under the auspices of the public ecological movement "Ecosystem" in support of the national project "Ecology", which is being implemented by the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The winners were determined in six nominations among kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities, companies and retailers. The jury of the project also announced the top 100 contenders for the main prize of the contest of creative posts on social networks.

The top ten strongest regions in terms of the amount of waste paper collected is headed by the Moscow Region, whose residents collected 1,855 tons. The Bryansk region closes the top 5, having collected 177 tons of paper.

As noted by the Minister of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexander Shadrikov, this year Tatarstan participants of the campaign collected 3 times more waste paper than in 2022. This indicates the activity of our Republic, where every third resident is involved in environmental actions and projects.

"Every third Tatarstan citizen is our like–minded person, for whom ecology is not just a science, it is already a way of life, a way of thinking. On behalf of Rustam Nurgalievich Minnikhanov, the Head of Tatarstan, environmental classes are working in 103 schools of the Republic, young naturalists detachments have been created. Very soon we will reward the most active students who participated in our competition "School Eco-patrol". Our residents go out to clean the coastlines, collect waste paper, identify violations, hand over batteries. I want to thank everyone who supports and helps us. I can say that each participant of the "BoomBattle" saved at least one tree from being cut down, and together we saved the forest!" the minister said.

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