Complaints from residents about the contamination of the Kazanka River with milk effluents were considered during the reception of citizens in the village of Kachelino

15 August 2023, Tuesday

A gathering of citizens took place in the rural settlement of Kachelino, attended by Lenar Kasimov, head of the Northern Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan, Renat Gatiyatov, head of the executive committee of the Arsky district, Talgat Mindubaev, director of Vodokanal – Service LLC in Arsk, and Ruslan Garaev, head of the Kachelinsky rural settlement.

At the meeting, residents' complaints about the contamination of the Kazanka River with milk effluents were discussed. The head of the Northern Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology said that the situation is under control of the Ministry. Earlier, inspectors of the Northern Territorial Administration have already recorded a sewage spill on the soil as a result of a pipe break of the Archa dairy plant. Inspectors together with representatives of the Tatar environmental Protection interdistrict Prosecutor's Office and Rosprirodnadzor went to inspect the territory of the dairy plant. Environmentalists took samples of wastewater from a pipe on the territory of LLC "Archa". Also, all the case materials on jurisdiction are redirected to the Volga-Kama interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor.

Additionally, we inform you that receptions of citizens in the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan are held weekly, on Tuesdays. In order to ask a question you are interested in, you need to make an appointment by phone (843) 267-68-48.


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