EcoNevidal! You can learn about the most beautiful and unusual natural places of Tatarstan from our new heading "EcoNevidal"

3 August 2023, Thursday

In this section we will tell and show the unique corners of our Republic, which you may not yet know and have not seen. 

Today we will introduce you to one of the most legendary places of Yelabuga - the spring of the Holy Key of Panteleimon the Healer. The spring is located a few kilometers from Yelabuga, on the territory of the picturesque Lower Kama National Park, in the Small Forest. This place is a natural monument and is considered the pride of the whole region. It was this source that was captured in 1886 by our great countryman, the Russian artist Ivan Shishkin. It is believed that the water of this key has healing properties, and parishioners assure that the water from the Holy Key never spoils.

Share your stories and photos of interesting places with us on VKontakte! ( Perhaps it is your native corner and your story that will be next in our category.



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