"Taking care of forest dwellers". Nizhnekamsk preschoolers get to know the world around them

9 March 2023, Thursday

Inspectors of the Zakamsky territorial administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan held an eco-lesson for the kids of kindergarten No. 8 of the Nizhnekamsk district. Children learned in an informative way how to preserve the forest and protect nature. Ecologists told about the diversity of flora and fauna of local forests and showed the "Forest dwellers" cartoon. The children actively participated in the quiz, solved riddles and puzzles. In memory, the kids received memorable gifts and, of course, positive emotions. "In order for children to understand the importance of preserving our nature, they need to learn to observe its phenomena, plants and animals – of course, we help them in this. In order to instill ecological knowledge and culture in the children, our specialists regularly hold such events," the ecologists of the Zakamsky TA note.

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