Environmentalists of the Volga-Kama TA found snow dumps in the water protection zone of the river Bernyazhka

28 February 2023, Tuesday

The hotline of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan received a message from a resident of Chistopol about an illegal snow dump on the bank of the Bernyazhka River. Inspectors and specialists of the laboratory of the Volga-Kama Territorial Administration went to the site and found 2 places of unauthorized storage of snow in the water protection zone of the Bernyazhka river. The total area of illegal landfills is 636 sq.m., the volume is 1018 cubic meters. Environmentalists took samples of snow. According to the results of the analysis of samples, snow was determined to be hazard class 5. In the samples from point 1, the excess of ammonium ion by 1.19 times and chloride ion by 5.15 times were detected. In samples from the second point of excess for ammonium ion by 12.2 times, chloride ion by 3.36 times and petroleum products by 30 times.

A warning was sent to INDUSTRIA LLC about the inadmissibility of violations and taking measures to eliminate snow dumps.

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