Tatarstan has once again become the winner of the "Water of Russia" campaign!

5 December 2022, Monday

Tatarstan became the winner of the All-Russian campaign on cleaning the shores of "Water of Russia", implemented within the framework of the national project "Ecology" (federal project "Conservation of unique water bodies"). According to the results of 2022, 300 thousand people took part in the cleaning of coastal territories in Tatarstan, about 14 thousand km of coastlines were cleaned and 34 thousand cubic meters of garbage were collected.

In total, more than a million residents of Russia participated in the campaigns this season. By joint efforts, 31 thousand km of the coastal strip of water bodies were cleaned, and the volume of garbage collected amounted to 148 cubic meters.

Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation Alexander Kozlov noted that every year more and more people participate in the environmental campaign. "The main driving force of all environmental initiatives is people. During the existence of the campaign "Water of Russia", millions of people have joined it, who have already cleaned thousands of reservoirs and tens of thousands of kilometers of coastline. I am glad that over the years the campaign has not slowed down and continues to unite people all over the country," he said.

"Tatarstan has a particularly reverent attitude towards the Water of Russia campaign, more and more residents are joining such environmental volunteering. It has become one of the most beloved, because the Republic is a high-water region, 6.4% of its territory is covered with water, and every Tatar understands that the cleanliness of the shores depends on the ecological activity of everyone. This is a simple truth: it's good where they don't litter. We encourage everyone to join and fall into the ranks of eco-activists. But victory is not an end in itself, our common main task is to instill respect for the environment and water bodies. To preserve and increase the natural wealth that we have and pass it on to our children and grandchildren is what we all gather for on clean-ups," said Alexander Shadrikov, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The head of the Federal Agency of Water Resources Dmitry Kirillov, speaking about the results of the campaign, stressed that there are more and more volunteers of the campaign "Water of Russia" every year. And thanks to them, it becomes more difficult to find garbage on the shores. "In the events that have become a good tradition for each region of Russia, the level of household culture is increasing. This is especially vividly demonstrated by children who are active participants in our projects. They are well aware that sustainable eco-balance is their future," says Dmitry Kirillov.

For reference:

The All-Russian campaign to clean up garbage from the shores of water bodies "Water of Russia" ("Coast of good Deeds") is held by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation for the ninth year in a row. To date, "Water of Russia" is the largest volunteer environmental project in the country, which has already united more than 8 million people. In 2022 alone, more than 1.34 million volunteers took part in the eco-workshops of the "Water of Russia" campaign, which held about 22,000 events. The geography of the campaign includes 85 regions of our vast homeland. Volunteers cleaned 10,300 reservoirs, and the amount of waste collected this year exceeds 150 thousand m3. Anyone can join the "Water of Russia" campaign as a volunteer, you can also organize your own event, having received comprehensive support. To do this, just go to the берегдобрыхдел.рф website.

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