Thanks to environmentalists, the landfill in the Aviastroitelny district has been eliminated

2 December 2022, Friday

The address of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology through the "People's Control" system received an appeal from residents about an unauthorized landfill near the Kadyshevo residential area of the Aviastroitelny district of Kazan. Inspectors carried out a visit, during which the fact of environmental violations was confirmed. Garbage from demolition and disassembly of buildings littered the territory with an area of 115 sq.m, the volume of the dump was 80 cubic meters.

The owner of the land plot was issued a warning about the inadmissibility of violating the mandatory requirements of environmental legislation and the need to eliminate the violation. As of today, the landfill has been liquidated. The territory has been brought into proper sanitary and ecological condition.

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