Environmentalists continue to teach lessons about the importance of energy conservation

17 November 2022, Thursday

Specialists of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan visited Kazan kindergarten No. 171 in the Sovetsky district, where they held an exciting lesson for preschool children "Energy Saving Day".

Environmentalists said that there are renewable (solar, wind, ocean energy) and non-renewable (fuel, nuclear energy) sources of electricity. Also, young environmentalists learned that earlier there were candles instead of light bulbs, instead of the usual electric oven for everyone, they used a stove, instead of a vacuum cleaner – a broom. To consolidate the information received, the children were shown a video about alternative types of electricity.

And especially for young preschool children, the inspectors of the Central Technical School organized a drawing contest "Energy Saving". All participants were awarded with diplomas and colorful educational books on eco theme.

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