Today, a waste transfer station was opened in Mamadyshsky district

23 August 2022, Tuesday

The regional waste management operator Grint has completed the construction of a waste transfer station (WTS) in Kuyuk-Yeryksinskoye rural settlement of Mamadyshsky district. This is the first such facility in the territory of the eastern zone of Tatarstan, built within the framework of the SMW management infrastructure development program.

Alexander Grunichev, Chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan on Tariffs, Anatoly Ivanov, Head of the Mamadysh municipal District, Svetlana Yarlychenko, General Director of Grint LLC, and Nail Garipov, Head of the Prikamsky Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan, took part in the opening ceremony of the WTS "Mamadyshskaya".

"After the closure of the Mamadysh landfill, each garbage truck had to carry its cargo to the neighboring district several times a day. Thanks to the Ministry of Transport, it will be possible not only to optimize transportation costs, but also to satisfy the needs of residents in increasing the frequency of export in some rural settlements," said Svetlana Yarlychenko, General Director of Grinta.

Let us recall that by the end of the year, Grint plans to open three more WTS in Agryz, Nurlat and Aktanysh districts. 

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